Get in touch with our team

Holland Malt is committed to flexibility. That means service tailored perfectly to your needs, offering a wide range of malts and packaging solutions.

Headquarters Holland Malt B.V.

P.O. Box 50
P  +31 499 428 201 5737 ZH Lieshout
M The Netherlands

Plant Lieshout

Malting Plant Lieshout
De Stater 1, 5737 RV Lieshout, The Netherlands

Plant Eemshaven

Malting Plant Eemshaven
Westlob 4, 9979 XJ, Eemshaven, The Netherlands

Get in touch

Would you like to know more about Holland Malt? Do you have a particular question? We’re always happy to help.

    Pieter Rooijakkers
    Demand Planner