Pilsener malt
Our finest quality of pilsner malt with excellent brewing house performance and high yields. Due to our malting process characteristics we combine its fine quality with high brewing house yields enabling a low TCO. We have the possibilities to produce pilsner malt out of 2 row spring barley as well as 6 row winter barley.
Malt type | Pilsner Malt from spring barley | Pilsner Malt from winter barley |
Colour (EBC) | 2.5 – 4 | 3 – 4.5 |
Colour (Lovibond) | 1,5-2,1 °L | 1,7-2,2 °L |
Application | Pale lager beers Specialty beers |
Pale lager beers |
Characteristics | High enzyme potential High extracts Excellent brewhouse performance Pale colour Application in all beers as a base malt providing extract and enzymatic power |
High enzyme potential Excellent brewhouse performance Pale colour Application in all beers as a base malt providing extract and enzymatic power |
Download Winter Barley spec sheet
Download Spring Barley spec sheet